Cornwall’s Pirate FM interviews CSW about the newly published MAPPA statistics
Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA) annual statistics for 2018/19 were published by the Ministry of Justice on 31st October 2019.
This week our Circles Coordinator for Devon & Cornwall spoke to Cornwall’s Pirate FM about what the figures mean and more broadly about our work with people who have sexually offended.
Listen to Jamie’s full interview with Pirate FM here
For a short briefing about MAPPA, read on below.
Download the MAPPA annual report 2018/19 here
What is MAPPA?
MAPPA are a set of statutory arrangements to assess and manage the risk posed by people who have committed certain sexual and violent offences. Set up by the Criminal Justice Act 2003, MAPPA bring together the Police, Probation and Prison Services to form the MAPPA Responsible Authority for each MAPPA Area (coterminous with police force areas). Other agencies are under a duty to co-operate with the Responsible Authority, including Children’s Services and Adult Social Care, Health Trusts and Authorities, Youth Offending Teams, Home Office Immigration Enforcement, local housing authorities and certain registered social landlords, Jobcentre Plus and electronic monitoring providers.
The agency with the primary responsibility for managing offenders identifies those who meet the criteria for MAPPA set out in the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and relevant agencies gather and share information about them. They assess the nature and level of the risk of harm the offenders pose and implement a risk management plan to protect the public. Although risk of harm can be managed, it cannot be eliminated.
MAPPA Categories
There are 3 broad categories under MAPPA:
•Category 1 – Registered sexual offenders (RSO) – individuals convicted of a specified sexual offence and/or to whom the notification requirements under Part 2 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 apply (required to notify the Police of their name, address and other personal details, and notify the Police of any subsequent changes)
•Category 2 – Violent offenders
•Category 3 – Other Dangerous Offenders.
Management Levels Under MAPPA
People are managed at one of 3 levels, reflecting the level of multi-agency co-operation required to implement the individual’s risk management plan effectively. They may be moved up or down the levels to reflect changes in the level of risk that they present or the action required to manage their risk.
•Level 1 – The agency that has the lead in supervising the individual applies the usual arrangements to manage them. In addition, all relevant agencies, especially the Police and Probation Services, will exchange information about offenders between them and this will inform the level of management and the risk management plan. However, the agencies do not hold formal multi-agency meetings to discuss an offender’s case. Offenders will be managed at Level 1 in most cases.
•Level 2 – The risk management plans for these offenders require the active involvement of several agencies via regular multi-agency public protection meetings which oversee the implementation of a coordinated risk management plan.
•Level 3 – As with offenders managed at Level 2, the active involvement of several agencies is required; however, the risks presented by offenders managed at this level are such that senior staff from the agencies involved are required to authorise the use of additional resources, such as specialised accommodation.