Community Events supporting Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness week

This week Circles South West staff are making a valuable contribution to community, running as part of the campaign #ITSNOTOK
Tim Johnson and Jackie Citron have provided training for 30 professionals in ‘Working with young people with harmful sexual behaviour’, arranged by Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole (BCP) Council Community Safety Team. This event was organised as one of a series of events marking Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness week and was funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset.
This training is designed to raise professionals’ awareness of, and confidence in, working with children and young people who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour. It explores normal versus harmful sexual behaviour, the pathways into harmful sexual behaviour, the impact of the online world on young people and it highlights local services available to support them.
Jamie Stephenson, is delivering a presentation at the Trevi conference, ‘The Pornography Effect’, to be held during Sexual Abuse and Violence Awareness week. The Plymouth based charity Trevi provides safe and nurturing spaces for women in recovery to heal, grow, and thrive.
Jamie’s will be presenting on ‘Tales from the treatment room’, looking at narratives from men convicted of sexual harm who are involved in treatment programmes and how legal pornography may have contributed to their harmful behaviour. He will also be talking about Circles South West’s partnership work with Plymouth Together for Childhood where we are undertaking feasibility study to assess the need and appetite for a community sexual abuse prevention service in Plymouth for people who are having worrying sexual thoughts and feelings about children.
You can read more about Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week and how Circles South West is recognising it, including our exciting new Volunteer Portal, here: Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week, Circles South West