Did you know? Circles South West provides specialist consultancy support

Everyone knows that Circles South West provides Circles of Support & Accountability but did you know that we also offer a range of training and consultancy support for professionals?
It was during our recent involvement with Plymouth’s Together for Childhood (read the story here) that Devon and Cornwall’s Shekinah project Make Amends approached us to support their staff around case work involving sexual harm.
Make Amends is the Restorative Justice service commissioned by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall. Make Amends delivers a variety of restorative opportunities that seek to heal the harm caused by crime, conflict, anti-social behaviour and the harmful actions of others across Devon and Cornwall.
The organisation wanted some case supervision delivered by an outside agency to facilitate some discussion on a case and advise them on how best to deal with this. With a specific focus on cases involving aspects of harmful sexual behaviour/sexual offending, Circles South West are uniquely placed to advise on this.
Our senior coordinator, John Wiseman, facilitated the group session which was well received with excellent feedback:
“I felt John dealt with our case empathically and answered our questions well, often encouraging thought provoking answers from the team. It made us think outside the box and dig deeper into who’s needs were being met and how. It was a great experience of what external supervision can achieve for our team.”
“I found the external supervision really helpful, Circles acted as a facilitator to assist the team to explore the case in question which helped uncover ideas and questions from the team. The supervision empowered the team to be able to come to their own conclusions by guiding the conversation and asking key questions. Circles also included key facts around statistics which related to the case which I found very helpful as those kinds of things tend to stick in my head and actually helped me when I did some other training later on.”
“I found supervision with John Wiseman very insightful. Drawing directly on his extensive experience, John was able to offer excellent reflections on some of the issues we face when working with victims of HSB. He also gave us more information in relation to harmful sexual behaviour (HSB) in schools and how these incidents are reported.”
“The new model of using external providers to support team practice was really beneficial. Being able to discuss appropriate cases and scenarios with John and having him ask relevant questions enabled the team to consider different angles and ways of working as well as promoting discussion. The hope is that this will increase awareness and confidence, thereby enabling us to offer a better service to those affected by harm.”
Our consultancy services are bespoke; tailored to the needs of the commissioning organisation and informed by our expertise in the field of sexual harm.
Please enquire via the website contact form or at info@circlessw.org.uk
Find out more about our training courses and consultancy offer here: Training and Consultancy Services – Circles South West